Sleeveless dress was never cracked by age. At the mall, at the gym, and at the party, this type of clothing worn much. In addition to comfortable, also can provide more value on appearance. Of course, this only applies if the wearer a slim toned upper arms.
Unfortunately, sometimes age seemed willing to compromise. According to Oscar Smith, a specialist in the field of kinesiology and biomechanics, in fact not a taut arm grandiose dreams. We just need to do the following exercise routine, to form the muscles of the arms and upper body movements with a variety of push-ups.Immediately admire the result!
What we needA set of dumbbells the size of 2 kg-3 kg, mattress, stepboard, sofas, or chairs.
WayPractice routine 3 times a week in a row, starting from the "main movement". If too difficult, switch to the variations movement "It's easier." If already proficient, move on to the movement "more difficult". At each end of the movement, do push-ups 3-5 times.
For faster resultsUse a heavier dumbbell, for example, which weigh 4-5 kg. For each movement, repeat as much as 5-6 reps without pause. Perform the entire range of motion on a regular basis as much as 2 sets. If you want to burn calories even more, try cardio exercises that involve movement tangan.Arm Press-BackThe main motion: Take a standing position, body position on the left side of the sofa, hold the dumbbell with your right hand. Knee and left palm resting on the couch, straight back position. Bend your right hand to form a 90 degree angle, palms facing forward. Without moving your upper arms, straighten elbows and push the load to the back, palms facing up. Lower. Repeat 8-10 times. Change position. Continue with push-ups.
It's easier: Perform the exercise without using the sofa. Stand up straight, hold the dumbbell in your right hip side, elbow bent, while the left hand remains on the side of the body. Straighten your right hand and thrust loads to the rear. Repeat 8-10 times, changing hands.More difficult: Stand on one leg. Grasp dumbbell. Lean over slightly forward, then thrust both hands into the back, straighten one leg back. Repeat with other leg.
2-Part CurlThe main motion: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells at your sides. Bend your elbows form a 90 degree angle (to the waist), turn your palms facing up. Hold a few seconds, lower. Do 8-10 reps. Afterward, bend your elbows and lift weights towards the shoulders, repeat 8-10 times. Finally, returning to the position of bend 90 degrees. Continue with push-ups.
It's easier: Eliminate bending movement toward shoulder the burden.It's harder: Lift the dumbbells to a position 90 degrees, hold a count and then bend towards the shoulders. Return to starting position. Perform 15-20 reps.Push-upsThe main motion: Take a position as if to crawl. Both hands under shoulders, knees resting on the floor. The body forms a straight line from head to knee. Bend your elbows, lowering your body toward the floor. Straighten your arms again. Repeat 3-5 times.
It's easier: Perform this movement with the position of the hand resting on a sofa, chair, or stair.More difficult: Do the motion with rests in the hands and feet. Body in a straight line.
Lying Reverse CurlThe main movements: Lie with your knees bent. Grasp dumbbells, palms facing inwards. Bend your elbows to form an angle of 90 gerajat. Without moving your upper arms, straighten your elbows, lowering the load up to almost touching the floor, lift back to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
It's easier: Lift the dumbbell, but the upper arm fixed on the floor. Or, use a lighter dumbbell.More difficult: Lower the dumbbells slowly, hold for a few seconds, then lift again.
Lying Triceps ExtensionThe main movements: Lie on your back while holding a dumbbell. Stretch both arms upward, palms facing each other. Bend elbows and lower dumbbells toward your face. Straighten your elbows, push the load back to its original position. Do 8-10 reps. Continue with push-ups.
It's easier: Lift one dumbbell with both hands.More difficult: Finished the main motion, lower the load crosses a shoulder in the opposite direction, then returned to its original position.
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