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Senin, 20 Desember 2010

How to Let Looks More Beautiful?

Beauty is a beauty of Allah's creation. It is can be put on each creature. Beauty can be in place in humans, landscapes, animals or works of art created by humans.Belle or Belle is one of the blessings in our vision to the senses. So, when we see something pretty or beautiful, not necessarily our lips say, "Subhanallah", Blessed is He who created His creatures without disabilities.Beauty is what also underlies a cosmetics company, the tool or tools to make someone that looks more beautiful and attractive.Already a disposition of a woman, if she wants to look more beautiful than other women, because it is related to the attraction of the opposite sex.Walhal, Allah commands us to lower his gaze when seeing a beauty that does not belong to us. For example when we see women or men who are not mahrom. In fact we pray in order to avoid fitnahnya. "Inni cor a'udzubika fitnatin min nisa 'wa min' adzabil qobri wa min 'adzabin naar." (O Allah I seek refuge from the slander of women and of punishment of the grave, as well as punishment of the Fire!)Now, the question is how we'll look more beautiful?Beauty is in the mean by this is that there is beauty in a woman.A woman not only on the value of its physical beauty, but also of beauty in itself or which is called by inner beauty.Inner beauty or the beauty from within this, for people who are not religious, was obtained through personal development courses such as John Robert Power and so forth.But in Islam, this is the morality of beauty within that radiates from all the movements of a woman. A woman who sholelah deeds will emit light that will affect people around him, so that people around him also getting guidance of light emitted from the deeds.One class of women who deserve to be our role model is Prophet Muhammad's wives, which Allah says,"O wives of the Prophet, you all are not like other women, if you're cautious. You shall not be subject in speaking so berkeinginanlah people who have the disease in his heart, and say good words "(Surah al-Ahzab (33): 32), then .."And let you stay in your house and do not be decorated and behave like people who formerly Ignorance and establish regular prayers, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Verily Allah intends want to remove sin from you, O ye peoples of the temple and clean as clean-clean. "(Surah al-Ahzab (33): 33)It is related to the morality that should be on guard by a woman. As I dressed, Allah says:"O Prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them extended veils all over their bodies. " That is so they are easier to be known, because they were not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surah al-Ahzab (33): 59)Extended to the entire body veil its meaning is a woman who sholehah defects must be closed in his private parts with her wearing the veil or purdah. Because that's what the desired by God, and thus avoid from people ajnabi man to criticizing and degrading their beauty. Because, from the face alone, can cause a scandal to the woman.That is what the Prophet Muhammad preached in one hadith, that she will become Queen Angel in heaven, who will go to heaven 500 years earlier than her husband.His Supplication exceed from 70 Wali Allah. There is no veil between him and God, because he always keep the hijab.The women later this worship in heaven will tease the maidens with saying something like, "O ye angels, who never fast in summer, never felt the suffering of birth and raising children. It never serves her husband when circumstances are very tired, practice what would you be proud before God? "

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